Likewise, teachers can use LTP to design and create visual aids. Teachers first identify specific lessons that are hard to teach without visual references. Next, teachers break down a concept into 4-6 parts or subtopics and create an illustration for each part using one of the following options: sketching a drawing; locating existing images (from newspapers or magazines, for example); or taking photographs. Finally, teachers carefully consider how to label the visual aid. One option is to include detailed definitions and information. Another option is to generate a list of questions that will require students to look deeply at the illustrations and formulate their own definitions, connections and further questions.
Drawing or taking pictures leads to other learning activities. Students can use their pictures to create visual aids. Students carefully arrange their photographs and drawings on posters and write informative labels. LTP posters can be decorated in creative ways. A display of students’ pictures in the classroom leads to lively discussion. Presenting work to classmates and teachers reinforces students’ learning and increases their confidence. The visual aids created by students can be hung on the classroom walls for current and future students to see.
Here are some of the posters and visual aids teachers and students across Tanzania have created.